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Centre for Anthropobiology and Genomics of Toulouse (CAGT)
UMR5288 (University Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier – CNRS)
Faculté de Médecine de Purpan
37 allée Jules Guesde
31000 Toulouse

(c) Morgane Gibert


Morgane Gibert is a permanent CNRS researcher and an anthropological biologist with a background in ecology. She is interested in how socio-ecological factors drive population dynamics and human biological diversity as well as how human past activities have impacted human environments including biodiversity.

Most of her research now focuses now on the Pyrenean area, and are used for studies at the meso- or micro-geographical level allowing cross-discplinary approaches. She is implied in the AmphiPYR (funded by the Labex DRIIHM-ANR-11-LABX-0010) and the PAPEL Project (leaded by S. Jacob, funded by Region Occitanie and supported by ZA PYGAR)

She is also involved in outreach and communication for CAGT and for the CNRS, and she is a member of the steering committee of the Zone Atelier PYGAR (RZA-INEE).

Exhibitions and Communications

  • Cycle Sciences en cours, (scientific officer) programme CNRS Occitanie Ouest-Muséum de Toulouse (2020-)
  • Cycle Homme, tu m’étonnes, (scientific officer) programme CNRS Occitanie Ouest-Muséum de Toulouse then Université Fédérale (2004-2018)
  • Empreinte-emprise : l’humain et son environnement, une longue histoire, photographic exhibition Quai des Savoirs – CNRS
  • Human Demain (member of the scientific committee) exhibition, coproduction Quai des Savoirs/Muséum de Toulouse – 2018
  • Human Biodiversity in Oriental Siberia International Polar Year 2010 – (funded by ANR, Fte de la Science and CNRS)

Selected publications

  • Bouakaze et al. 2020. Predicting haplogroups using a versatile machine learning program (PredYMaLe) on a new mutationally balanced 32 Y-STR multiplex (CombYplex): Unlocking the full potential of the human STR mutation rate spectrum to estimate forensic parameters. Forensic Science International: Genetics 48: 102342.
  • Magnaval et al. 2016. A Serological Survey About Zoonoses in the Verkhoyansk Area, Northeastern Siberia (Sakha Republic, Russian Federation). Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 16: 103-9.
  • Cadamuro et al. 2014. Determined about sex : Sex-testing in 45 primate species using a 2Y/1X sex-typing assay. Forensic Science International: Genetics 14C: 96-107.
  • Rocanin-Arjo et al. 2013. Close genetic relationships in vast territories : autosomal and X chromosome Alu diversity in Yakuts from Siberia. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 70: 309-17.
  • Gibert & Larrouy. 2010. Anthropological genetics and human ecology. Edited by I.M.Pires, M. Gibert and L. Hens, International Centre for Human Ecology. Studies in Human Ecology, pp. 91-104.